Facial Steaming
Make-up, eating chocolate, dirty fingers or even just regular sweat are all major factors to dirty blocked pores. We all try our best to wash off most of the thick make up with wipes or chemicals but yet we are not properly cleaning out the bacteria from our skin.
Facial steaming is a simple and effective way of opening the sensitive pores and flushing out the dead cells. Steaming is also an easy at home DIY procedure just in a matter of 5-10 minutes. If you are one that is prone to break outs or acne, this weekly maintenance will prevent any build up of dirt or bacteria.
There are other benefits from using heat on the face such as stimulating blood circulation and releasing sweat allowing to wash away any more toxins from the system.
- Prepare your skin by washing off the make up or moisturiser from the pores and tie all the hair back from the face.
- Boil the water and pour into a medium bowl. You will require a towel to cover your head and bowl, keeping in the steam.
- Lean over the bowl with the towel over your head for 5 - 7 minutes.
- Lightly wash off the sweat and softly pat dry your face.
- Moisturising after steaming will keep the skin hydrated.

You may want spice it up with some fragrance. By adding in essential oils such as lavender, sandalwood or eucalyptus. The additional oils don't add any benefits for the skin but allows for better relaxation as you inhale the steam.
This simple beauty tip helps the skin during competition season with wearing the heavy stage make-up after a few days or weeks. Try it at home after a big day of rehearsals. Happy Dancing Xx
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